Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the personal brand or personal brand?

You've long heard about the importance of marking the identity of a product, or more importantly, make your own identity, especially if you are relatively close to perform some kind of promotion.
The word "personal brand" or "personal brand" is one of the most used of this decade, and is not least thanks to internet technology we have available today, to promote and enhance the identity of something is the most accessible and possible than any other time in our history.
Definition: It is the process of promoting career, experience, style, appearance, values or knowledge of an "individual" and define it as a trademark.
Concept: Promote self-identification as pie to reflect that success comes from all of the qualities that certain individual perpetuates.
Data: The terminology "personal Brand" said to be known through an article by Tom Peter published in 1997, although in 1980 had already published a book called "positioning" written by the Ries and Jack Trout, and dealing with everything about how to position yourself in any market by promoting your image and identity.
And although the terminology is contemporary, the truth is that mark an identity with an advertising purpose exists since the history is history. The issue is to understand because today the "Personal branding" reaches its peak.
Logic: This is due to the:-scope of the web 2.0 internet technology. -To globalization. -To the rapid expansion and growth. -To fast changes of this era. -To the rapid growth of social networks. - And the fabulous electronic creation also called social media.
In simple words, today we can promote and make our identity globally, thanks to which we can create our social networks in a short time, but this also makes the personal brand is much more than just caring for the image.
Today the competitiveness and the high demands made that personal branding is a combination of strong values, experience, integrity and knowledge of high art.
Elements in order to seal and mark your identity:-establish you as an expert in your industry. -Establishing a strong reputation. -Set a record with the continuous contributions with your networks.
And of course that as any business that depends on a network that you hold, the brand personnel will depend on – who knows you - who they know - who you know.
Benefits: clear is that if something is extremely popular because it must have good profits right?
Profit magnet: A strong marketing campaign promoting your brand image as a unique and solid solution for specific problems, read as a magnet to attract new customers, partners, opportunities and projects.
Profit growth: to position you as expert and have communities that you admire, you continue and you are interested in what you have to offer, this will encourage further development you cultivate your greatness and grow as a person.
Expansive benefit: If your personal brand is motivated by passion, determination and true talent, the most common serious not only attract many brilliant minds and people who think and feel like you, but also attract people to show you new directions, new horizons and new exciting ways.
Profit: Your can forget to be a Distributor, seller, or representative of any company, you're "Your company" which means that your can work with hundreds of products, services and business while maintaining and sustaining your own social networks and not depend on anyone else than yourself. What does your financial ability to grow unlimited.
Why personal branding? Because this is not how he said, but what you have to say. Because this is not how he did it, but like you you do it.
This is also a great opportunity to discover your own path, your manera…descubrir your own potential. Are you ready for the challenges?

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