Total quality, also known as management of total quality (TQM for its acronym in English), is a philosophy, culture and style of management that involves all members of an organization in the continuous improvement of quality in all aspects of the company.
In total quality all the members of the Organization (ranging from Office staff to the CEO) seek to improve the quality of continuous and gradual (permanently and gradually without need for major changes), not only in the products, but also in all aspects of the company such as, for example:
workers (for example, to hire skilled workers or give them an appropriate training) .in inputs or raw (for example, purchased inputs or field premium first) .in processes (for example, to ensure efficient processes to prevent waste) .in the customer (for example, to provide rapid care) .in providers (for example, to make an appropriate choice of suppliers).Total quality is based on the fact that the obligation to achieve the quality lies primarily with the people who produce.
That is why the responsibility for achieving high standards of quality, start at the top of the Organization (in managers or leaders), but rests primarily with people who are closer to production (in workers in operating levels).
They are managers or leaders who planned the improvement of the quality defined quality policies, establish norms or standards of quality, choose responsible for assurance or quality control, they implement quality systems and quality control measures; but they are workers in operating levels that guarantee or ensure compliance with the specifications, requirements, rules or standards of quality.
That is why, in the total quality managers and leaders seek to raise awareness, engage and motivate all workers of the organization in the search for quality, as well as also to establish a "philosophy of total quality" in where all workers seek always improve the quality of a continuous and gradual manner.
To do this, managers and leaders promote work in team and practice empowerment, i.e. provide their subordinates necessary power and authority to make decisions that were previously exclusivity of managers, as well as the power and authority necessary to settle problems without having to waste time in consulting or obtaining the approval of the management.
The advantages or benefits of implementing total quality are the following:
increase in the quality (in products, services, processes, personnel, etc.).refuse disposal (of time of material, effort, money, etc.).reduction of costs (for manufacturing of projects, inventories, distribution, etc.).reduction of time (of production, equipment downtime, of the client, etc.).increase in the productividad.mayor the cliente.mayor satisfaction satisfaction of the client internal (employees) .mayor competitividad.mayores utilities or profitability.Finally this article see below what the so-called "the 10 commandments of total quality":
Customer satisfaction: the customer must be the most important person in the Organization and the reason for being of this and therefore get their full satisfaction must be the cornerstone of the company.Delegate: are you must put the power of decision closer to the action and thus avoiding delay in the resolution of problems.You have a participatory management: management should lead, motivate, delegate, debating, hear suggestions, report, but not imposed, or control.Continuous improvement: the Organization must be open to the rapid changes in society, technology, and new needs and therefore exceeded in every moment.Developing employees: employees must offer adequate training must be given opportunities to develop and to demonstrate their skills and accomplishments should be recognized.Disseminate information: all plans, goals and objectives should be aware of all the members of the organization.Not accept mistakes: the pursuit of perfection must be a constant concern, and the ideal standard of performance should be one where there is no error.Be constant in the goals: the mission statement should be done through a participatory planning, integrated and based on real data.Quality assurance: drunk achieve that customer will assume that you are going to provide a product or service quality.Managing processes: hierarchical and departmental barriers must be eliminated so that, thus, achieve more efficient processes.Tags: Concepts, management of business, business, production tools
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