Advertising online (online advertising or advertising on the Internet) is a type of advertising that uses as a medium or channel of communication to the Internet.
Through online advertising we present our products, services or website to Internet users, and to we persuaded them that buy our products, purchase our services, or visit our web site.
Due to the global coverage that has Internet, online advertising allows us to reach millions of people located around the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
But in addition to this advantage to be able to reach a global market, online advertising presents other advantages that have made it today a favorite by the persons or undertakings when promoting their products or services.
Some of these advantages of online advertising are:
allows us to choose the public which will be dirigida.puede be integrated into the content of a site web.tiene a high degree of effectiveness (due mainly to two advantages mentioned above) .no implies greater investment or costos.nos makes it possible to pay only for clicks that people do in our anuncios.puede comes quickly to the public allows us to interact with the public. is easy to medir.nos allows you to modify or easily change the advertisement or advertising channel.In advertising online advertisements or advertising messages tend to be shaped basically by text ads and image ads:
text ads: are text ads consisting of a title, a short message and a link or link directed to the website of the advertiser. The textual ads tend to have the feature to be able to be integrated into the content of a web site, making them seem part of the content, and thus giving them a non-intrusive advertising character.image ads (banners): are ads for square or rectangular format, consisting of a static or animated image. Image ads allow a visual impact, but also often include an embedded link which allows those who click on them, be directed to the advertiser's web site.But in addition to text ads and image ads, other elements that tend to make announcements or advertising messages in online advertising links or links, emails, logos, videos, animations, and anything else that can be viewed on the Internet.
Through the use of these elements it is possible to carry out various forms of online advertising, the being known and used as follows:
It consists of the rental of advertising space on web sites that provide the possibility of placing them in textual or graphical ads in return for periodic payment.
They are mostly web sites, such as websites or blogs, which allow this alternative to online advertising, however, there are also programs, platforms, or other means, such as Messenger or some online games.
Ads usually appear on the pages of the web site, although they could also appear, for example, in pop-up Windows (pop-ups), or, in the case of a program or platform, at the interface of these.
To perform this type of online advertising it is advisable to choose a web site, program, or platform that has a theme similar to the product, service or web page you want to announce.
With regard to the price of the rental of advertising space, it tends to depend on visits of web site traffic, the higher it, more often the rental price. In the case of a program or platform, the price could be based on the reputation of these.
It consists of the use of advertising programs which allow us to place our (textual or graphic) ads on various websites related to the theme of our product, service or website, and pay only for clicks that people do in our ads.
In addition to giving us the possibility of reaching a specific audience and pay only for clicks that people do in our ads, another advantage of the advertising programs is that they allow us to automatically reach a large number of public.
We only we are dedicated to designing our announcement and advertising program is responsible for placing it on various websites associated with the programme related to the theme of the announcement; Although it is also possible that we ourselves specify web sites where you want it to appear.
There are basically two ways to pay for this kind of online advertising:
CPC (cost per click): in where to pay a certain amount of money only for the clicks that people do in our ads.CPM (cost per thousand): in where to pay a certain amount of money each time that our ads come to have thousand impressions, in other words, every time that our ads are viewed a thousand times.There are several advertising programs that allow this type of advertising online, being the most known and used (belonging to Google) AdWords program, and the program Facebook Ads (belonging to Facebook).
Involves sending of advertisements or advertising messages via email, for example, consisting of electronic brochures, letters of presentation, information about products or services, etc.
The sending of advertisements or advertising messages often occur to people that have previously voluntarily provided your email address, and who are aware of the use that they could be, for example, to be customers of the company, or have subscribed to a newsletter.
Although this type of advertising online also includes the massive sending of advertisements or advertising messages to a wide list of people whose email address has been obtained without the consent of these.
In the latter case, the sending of advertisements or advertising messages is considered spam and could be punished by the authorities. While in the first case their abuse may cause discomfort in people to such an extent that they could choose to leave be customers of the company or cancel your subscription to the newsletter, but also could be considered spam, because these people may argue that they have not requested advertising.
Tags: Concepts, business Internet, promotion and advertising
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