Online advertising not only allows us to inform our products or services to a large number of people located around the world, but it also offers other advantages such as the able to choose the public which will be directed to be integrated into the content of a website, can be modified easily, among others.
Many people and companies are already using online advertising with success, and so we let us not remain behind and also take advantage of this, we start to know what are the main ways of doing online advertising:
It consists of renting advertising space in sites or web pages that offer us the possibility of placing in them our textual ads or graphics (banners) in return for periodic payment.
Firstly, it is necessary to design our commercials, then look for a web site that allows this type of advertising, and then, once reached an agreement to give the webmaster the code of our ads to make put them in place.
Similar to the earlier, single case rather than renting advertising space in sites or web pages (such as websites or blogs), rent advertising space in programs or platforms on the Internet (such as Messenger or some online games).
Rent of advertising spaces on sites or web pages is usually dependent on the traffic of visitors who have, whereas in the case of programmes or platforms, it tends to depend on other factors such as, for example, the reputation of these.
It consists of using advertising programs which allow us to place our ads on different sites or web pages associated with the programme, and pay only for clicks that people do in our ads.
There are several advertising programs that allow this type of advertising online, being the most known and used (belonging to Google) AdWords program, and the program Facebook Ads (belonging to Facebook).
Similar to the earlier, single case rather than our ads appear on sites and web pages associated with the advertising program, in this case our ads appear in the search results of search engines.
The three major search engines through which we can make this type of online advertising are Google, Bing and Yahoo!.
It consists of sending ads or advertising messages via e-mail, for example, consisting of electronic brochures, letters of introduction, or information about products or services.
The sending of these emails often make people that previously have provided voluntarily its e-mail address, although this type of advertising online also includes the massive sending of emails to people whose email address has been obtained without the consent of these.
Consists of sending our url or address (e.g., www.crecengocios.com) website to any of the various web directories that abound on the Internet.
These web directories tend to be free, and mostly deals with various themes, although there are also directories that only cover a subject in particular (thematic directories), such as, for example, the directories of companies in a given country.
Another way of doing online advertising is to serve our ads on any of the different sites of classified ads that exist on the Internet.
As in the case of web directories, Classifieds also sites tend to be free, but unlike the first, rather than advertise sites or web pages, they are usually advertise products and services.
Finally, another way of doing online advertising is to serve our ads on sites of payment by clicking or PTC (Paid To Click) sites.
To advertise on these sites, our ads are shown to the people who register in them, which receive a portion of the money we have paid for the publication of our ads, every time you do click on them.
Tags: Business Internet, promotion and advertising
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