Delegate is given to a worker power, authority, autonomy, the right or responsibility to make decisions, solve problems, functions or tasks, without that we have to consult or obtain our approval.
It should be noted that delegate is not simply assigning more tasks to a worker, but rather to delegate, the worker acquires the power to make the decisions it deems appropriate, the authority to run the task as it may deem best, autonomy in the performance of the task, the faculty to represent us in the fulfilment of the task, and the responsibility for the task and the results.
Sometimes delegate might be difficult for us, since, for example, we could be difficult to give you the power to a worker to take important decisions or powers to carry out functions that could determine the course of our company.
Although we must bear in mind that nor is it delegate by delegate, but that to be able to delegate successfully, it is necessary that we previously comply with certain requirements such as delegated only to the worker adequate (for example, to one that shows good judgement and high degree of responsibility), and provide information and resources (for example, those that allow the employee perform their duties efficiently).
If despite this explanation you're not very convinced you want to delegate, here below are a list of the different advantages or benefits which presents:
more free time: we alone cannot do it all. To delegate, we released so many functions or tasks, and get more free time we can use to perform only functions or important tasks, or to make them in a way more eficiente.aprovechar the skills of workers: to delegate, we can to maximize the knowledge, skills, capacities, skills, creativity and leadership of our workers. Powers before we could even have known that existed. greater motivation: to give greater power, authority, autonomy, power or responsibility, our workers will be more considered, more useful and more important, thus increasing their self-esteem and their motivation. greater commitment: to give them greater power, authority, autonomy, power or responsibility, our employees will feel more recognised, more taken into account and with greater influence in the results, thus increasing their identification and compromise with empresa.mayor participation: by having more identified and committed workers, we will have more participatory workers and thus, for example, to give us suggestions on its own initiative, or workers who are more cooperative with his companions and nosotros.mayor productivity: with employees with increased self-esteem and motivation, most identified and committed to the company, and more participatory and cooperative, efficiency will have more productive workers and eficientes.mayor: delegate not only we will have more efficient workers, but also the fact of delegating allow us to have more efficient processes, e.g. because the worker no longer need to be consulting us and obtaining our approval to take a decision, a problem or perform a profitability tarea.mayor: Finally, counting workers motivated, identified, engaged, productive, efficient and participatory, will have increased production (quality but), more satisfied customers, greater competitiveness and greater profitability in our company.To learn more about the topic you delegate, we invite you to read the article: delegating in 10 steps.
Image: bizior
Tags: Concepts, business, human resources management
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