Creativity and entrepreneurial innovation are terms which a lot of talking, but rarely are really taken into account by business owners or managers.
Already be due that dealt in intangible, are difficult to measure, or is the idea that they only applied to some areas of the company, the truth is that there are very few owners of company or managers who give due importance.
Creativity and innovation in business are not only fundamental elements to achieve success in a company, but are also prerequisites for the survival of this.
They not only allow us to secure a competitive position in the market, but also allow us to deal with the constant changes that occur in it.
Also, they are not exclusive elements in some areas of a company, they can be useful in all areas or aspects of it.
These not only are present at the time of creating new products or services, but they can also be present, for example, at the time to develop more efficient processes, implement new forms of distribution, designing new advertising strategies, etc.
Business creativity could be defined as the ability to develop or create something new and original, but at the same time useful and beneficial for a company.
Some ways to stimulate or encourage entrepreneurial creativity are:
propose challenges: challenges are practically forcing creativity go-between in the workers, but especially those challenges that are a matter of urgency, for example, those that require by the worker in a short period of time the solution to a problem that could affect the course of the empresa.motivar: motivated workers tend to be more creative in a company, but rather than motivating them through economic incentives, it is advisable motivate them by encouraging their participation, giving them greater autonomy, giving them greater variety, and creating a good atmosphere of trabajo.fomentar participation: to stimulate creativity must also encourage the active participation of workers, for example, listening to their ideas or proposals for more wild as they may be, and not to kill them as soon as they appear; We must bear in mind that the more radical ideas may come to be the more innovadoras.dar greater autonomy: while the worker greater autonomy to make their own decisions, solve problems on their own, carry out their functions or execute their tasks in the way that deems necessary, and lower exercised control, greater creativity it in ellos.dar variety: another way to stimulate the creativity is giving greater variety to the workers, for example, rotating them jobs, giving them new features, increasing them tasks, and even giving them more free time in hours of work, for example, develop their projects personales.generar an environment that stimulates creativity: to create an environment that fosters creativity can, for example, promoting work in teamharmony and good relations between workers, trust between leaders and subordinates, the generation of ideas, etc.While business innovation could be defined as the creation and implementation of something new and novel.
Some forms of practicing business innovation are:
stimulate business creativity: creativity is the basis of innovation, to innovate, it is necessary to have the necessary knowledge, but is the creativity allows us to take advantage of this knowledge, for example, to create and implement new products, technologies or procesos.erradicar the fear of failure: to innovate, it is necessary that we eradicate the fear of failure in our workers, for examplemaking them knowing that is allowed to do all tests that create convenient and all mistakes that may be required, but always and when, is to learn from these errores.lanzar constantly new products: must continuously launch new products to the market, which don't necessarily have to be entirely new, but to those who already have could modify the design, add new functions or featureschange the packaging, etc.estar attentive to changes in the market: to innovate must be always attentive to new needs, new tastes, new fashions and trends; in such a way that we can quickly exploit them or react to them, for example, designing products that satisfy new needs.TweetRelated content:
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