It is true that there are hundreds, thousands, millions, but billions of virtual pages on the Internet, is therefore necessary to ensure that your website complies with the requirements necessary to start to define your identity on the net.
(1) -create your virtual website exclusively focused on a single concept, specific and defined. -Ensure that your site is super easy to understand and navigate. -It gives a message clear and direct. -If your pages are simple-informativas-valorables - original-creative then you are on right track.
(2)-Tag and MetaTag are are the key words that function as you rotuló for your website and are located in the "title" and "head" of your web site in the form of HTML code. The Tag and Meta Tag help describe the documents and content of your pages and they will serve as indicators for the search engines.
You must make sure you optimize these keywords maximum to help the search engines that you can find and identify.
Although the pure truth is that even if you have the best virtual page in the world, the most original and creative, if you do not have a good and effective campaign of promotion, nobody, nobody, nobody should her visit.
For this reason that what your really need is a powerful Marketing.
(3)-Internet Local and international all search engines in general prioritise searches according to local interests, namely that when your enter a keyword in the search engines, such as e.g. "Shoe" the first results of the organic listings prioritized and selected everything about "Shoe" according to the area where your're physically located.
It would therefore be a good idea to write down your business on the "centres of listings of business Internet", such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. And in this way do know stakeholders you where you are.
Your address is located in visible places of your virtual pages.
(4)-Strategies Link this works this way, if other virtual pages that are already considered important on the Internet, visit your website call powerfully the attention of these robotitos called SEO (search engine optimization) and search engine optimizers. The fact that you receive the visits of important pages capture the attention of search engines and you would consider to get on the front page of the organic listings.
(5)-Publication publishes your web site in major directories.
a- Write articles of relevance and with exquisite information on what you already have experience about your business and publishing them in all the directories of articles as you can.
Your can also offer these articles to known websites so that they expose your knowledge in their communities by ensuring you always make visible the your website address on every article you write.
b- Write announced press. Go in search of new, important and interesting events for your industry and writes announced generating controversy, expressing theorems, argue the issues, involving names. Revolutionizes the masses, it is sounding the bells, that Yes, make sure that when these scribes announced do in 3rd person, putting you under the foot of a journalist and always, always using real data.
c- Tu-Negocio.Blog started a blog with regard to your industry and business, writing these blogs in the form of diary. Plasma your intentions, integrity, values, information and experience. Express your ideas, passion and belief in your business.
(6)-Social media there are hundreds of them that your can choose to participate and expose your business to millions of communities.
Choose those that you feel more comfortable, optimize them, are constant and become the Member most useful in your community.
He is aware of new trends and needs of your social networks.
Recalls also that they are media social, therefore "socializing" is very different from "Sell"
Means of connection, not marketing are.
(7)-Email Marketing / Email Marketing there is in my humble opinion there are two very defined sides in this currency. Negative/positive
Find the beauty and usefulness in this powerful tool and it may be your best aleada to create a good and effective promotional campaign.
Remember also to locate a visible box on your web site, to obtain the personal data of those who visit your virtual page, so this way you make sure you capture names, emails, phone. to keep in touch with your networks.
(8)-Signature File or signature file must always make sure to make visible the address of your web site in absolutely all the electronic media that your decide to participate and promote.
(9)-Plan of Marketing is really essential that your know, create and implement an effective plan of promotion, to save you time, effort, energy and capitalize on each step on the internet to the maximum. Click to learn how to plan your own marketing.
(10)-Word codes or Keywords regardless of your activities on the Internet or projects that you want to create, how to use keywords to increase your efforts.
The key words are the magic keys to doors Online.
All the words count as context, but the key words that these optimalizadas have ten times more. These keywords are the best friends of search engines, keywords are your best allies to optimize absolutely everything in the Net.
One of my recommended resources:
Ultimately to promote your website you must learn to connect with the communities ensuring you make people laugh, makes cry, think, talk, generating curiosities, moving emotions and checking at each step on the internet your own identity.
It is within the reach of your social networks and recalls.
Provided that you know to send a large message always you will have an audience willing to listen.
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