Delegate is given to a worker power, authority, autonomy, the right or responsibility to make decisions, solve problems, functions or tasks, without that we have to consult or obtain our approval.
As we have previously seen delegate presents several advantages such as to afford more free time, to make better use of the skills of our workers, achieve a greater motivation in them, to achieve higher productivity, etc.
However, despite the many advantages that presents, sometimes delegate we can be a difficult task to perform, above all, for the fear to give powers to a worker so that it can make important decisions or perform key functions that could determine the course of our company.
But so that the delegate do us a simple task, and so we can take advantage all the advantages and benefits that presents, then see how delegate through ten steps:
First, we determine the reason or reasons for which we are going to delegate, it could be, for example, to liberate us from so many functions and tasks, to make better use of skills of our workers, stop to achieve a greater motivation in them, to achieve greater efficiency in the execution of the task, etc.
Secondly we had to determine and to clearly define what will be the function or task that we are going to delegate. In the case of tasks, must seek to delegate entire tasks to a worker instead of subordination between several, thus actually total liability to each worker, achieving greater initiative in it, and can make us better control of the results.
The next step is to delegate the function or task to the specified worker. We must not delegate to any employee, but only one equipped with the skills necessary for the fulfilment of the role or task, which is well trained, but that also shows good judgment to make decisions, and high degree of responsibility.
The next step is to provide the worker all the information you need to fulfil this function or task efficiently. For example, it must understand the role or task, should know what are the objectives or expected results, and should know in what time frame must comply with them or on what date should present them.
In the event that the worker is not very familiar with the role or task, you might need to provide training or training for the good performance of it. For example, naming a guardian, hiring a coach or trainer, or making him take external courses on the subject.
Once the worker has all the information and training necessary for the fulfilment of the role or task, we must ensure that it also meets all the necessary resources for the implementation of these. For example, we provide you all the tools work and appropriate provisions required by.
The next step is to establish mechanisms that allow us to monitor the performance of the worker, trying to always do not interfere, but leaving it to make their own decisions and implement their own ideas or methods for the implementation of the task.
The next step is to establish direct lines of communication with the worker in such a way that we can answer all your questions, give you all the guidance you need, and provide you with the information enabling it to know if he is doing task or function correctly.
The next step is to evaluate the performance or results, for which we have previously set up the mechanisms that allow us to carry out the assessment, and then permanently evaluate the performance of the worker and, in the case of tasks, evaluate the results obtained.
If the performance of the worker has not been the correct or the results failed to meet expectations, we must analyse the errors and the consequences; But if performance has been the correct or results do they met our expectations, we will recognize and reward the worker, for example, rewarding financially or delegated new functions or tasks.
Tags: Business, step by step, human resources management
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