A brainstorming, also known as storm of ideas or brainstorming, is a technique of group work which consists of bringing together a group of people so spontaneously generate as many ideas as possible, and thus, among all these, choose one or more to take a decision or solve a problem.
Do brainstorm allows us to generate ideas in a more effective way to do so on an individual basis, mainly due to the amount of generated ideas, as well as to the possibility of power subsequently evaluate them and select group.
Although a storm of ideas is to be effective must have as a main rule or requirement that all proposed idea to be considered as valid, and that he not criticise or is judged to be either useless or even far-fetched as it sounds.
In a brainstorming call generate as many ideas possible, giving priority to quantity rather than quality, and the proposal of original and unusual ideas, should be encouraged which are from these that they can generate new ideas associated or derived.
So criticism or judgments could block or inhibit the participant and render it more ideas, or do be careful not to propose ideas which might seem cause for criticism or mockery, thus inhibiting your creativity.
Another important requirement for an effective storm of ideas is that it takes place in a calm and relaxed atmosphere in such a way that the participants feel comfortable and relaxed, and thus stimulate their participation and go-between in his imagination and creativity.
Here are the steps needed to perform a brainstorming:
In this first step is determined the motive or reason for which it will conduct the brainstorming; for example, we could need to make a brainstorm to find a business idea, find the best way to sell a product, obtain suggestions on the design of a product, a problem in the company, etc.
Brainstorming must be in a comfortable room where can talk so relaxed without interruptions or distractions of any kind. Also, the room must have a Blackboard where write the proposed ideas, or a panel where sticking cards with the ideas put forward.
The participants could be formed by employees of the company, family, friends, partners, etc. It is advisable that a heterogeneous group, settle for example, consisting of workers in different areas of the company. Also, the Group should not be very small or very large, it is advisable form a group of about 12 participants.
At this stage the moderator or facilitator explains the reason for the meeting, the problem, defines the mechanics to be used, establishes the rules, and finally proceeds to ask the question (in the most direct way possible) that allows to solve the problem, using words like: "what?", "how?", "why?", etc.
Some examples might be: "what business idea proposed?", "How can selling this product?", "what arrangements suggest the product design?", "How can we fix this problem?".
At this stage the participants propose their ideas for a certain period of time (the recommended is an average of 25 minutes) not to allow any criticism or judgement on them, trying to collect the largest number of ideas.
The formulation of ideas can be structured or unstructured:
Structured: the participants propose their ideas in order, for example, from left to right (an idea per turn), allowing the participant transfer turn in case of not having any idea at the time that tap you to participate.Informal: participants proposed their ideas without any order in particular.In addition, the formulation of ideas may be spoken or anonymous:
Spoken: the participants propose his ideas orally, which are immediately written on a whiteboard by the moderator.Anonymous: participants write their ideas on a card or tab (an idea by card), which are then read by the moderator and glued in a panel.Finally, with the help of the participants is to assess the ideas, discarding those that do not come to the case, or that not worth considering in the first place, thereby creating a list of pre-selected ideas, which will finally proceed to select one or more.
If not find consensus to choose an idea, it is possible to have a vote. And if you not be satisfied with the ideas, it is possible to make a new round of brainstorming drawing on the ideas that have already been pre-selected and that could be taken as a reference.
Tags: Concepts, Ideas of business, step by step
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