Yesterday a friend who had a time of not seeing was connected to the Messenger. I greeted him and said, in jest, "man, now you work not so much and say hello to friends". The response left me cold: "Fact… today is my last day of work".
Later, he was a very common and even boring history in recent years. The company had made a cut in personnel and touched the axe. It was not their fault, they said, but they unfortunately had to take the "painful decision" let him go.
When I told him that was long ago, he told me it was interesting and then "will teach you to earn on the Internet" but, like many others, left him "for later". In the end, it had a good job.
Sad of the matter is that this is a trend that will not download. Not only because the economic situation but because believe it or not, some people are worse than you.
That means that someone, somewhere, is willing to do it for less money. That is why everyone sends factories to China, the attention of customers to India and the maquila to Pakistan.
So, to be more "competitive", your company must cut staff, remove benefits and even lower wages.
If that her additions to the automation and networking they are more advanced, ever more jobs will go elsewhere. Have you noticed the accent of some of those who speak to offer credit cards or insurance?
This is because, although we are in Mexico (or your country), they are doing Telemarketing work from, say, Honduras. Any country that "copper less".
While more jobs go, more cheap things are needed and more industries are going to China.
But as well as the "traditional" works are escaping elsewhere, opportunities are also opened for who is looking for.
Learn how to make money online is not difficult; It is only a question of taking a time. That is why I make money online is the 9th wonder, after the same Internet.
I sincerely hope that the trend does not apply to you, but if you are reading this means that you are looking for and is only a matter of time that you find, if don't you "for later".
At least you answer surveys; It will not be much but you have to start somewhere.
You do not expect things to change, especially when you have the ability to change them. Anyway, happy weekend.
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