Monday, September 12, 2011

Credit card: friend and enemy

"I have no credit card, do not live beyond my means", was the categorical sentence of a former co-worker when we talked about credit cards.

His way of thinking shows that the vast majority of people feel toward credit cards and how its use is maligned by a consuming public that, basically, don't know what you said.

Of course credit cards have long been the main cause of the personal debt of people and I have seen and heard horror stories about embargoes, telephone harassment and unwanted visits of bailiffs.

And credit cards are a very useful and convenient tool that I can not imagine living without them.

Credit cards allow you to live in a "bubble" that gives you more chances that you could have with any other financial instrument, unless you have lots of money.

And why the demonization then? There are several reasons:

Listen to who does not know. The vast majority of those who complain of credit cards come of people indebted to them.

Everyone talks about the high interest rates, telephone to receive calls and trials of embargo.

All these people say that it is the fault of the méndigo Bank and there are those who entertain conspiracy theories about the bankers to dominate the world through debt.

Although banks often spend in ready in many things, there is something that I've never seen them do: put a pistol to the head someone to buy many things with which borrow.

Every cardholder is directly responsible for its debt. The banco… good, just makes you know do...

No one is investigating. In addition to listening to the complaints and cries of people who do not know what they say, the majority of rare cardholders time investigates what you can do with your credit card.

Have you read the contract? You know you can get promotions and discounts? Do you know the scope of what you can do with your card?

The vast majority of people don't know. In fact, the information you have your card comes from Bank sending promotions and brochures of information, which often are discarded without even looking at them.

Just to read your contract you can open your eyes to good and bad things that have your credit card for you, but well... almost no one does.

I like to compare the credit card with the fire. Our civilization practically flourished thanks to the fire, but if not you know how to handle, can become ashes.

In this series will show you the good, bad and the ugly of the credit cards and how are crucial to any business that you want to have on the Internet.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog so you don't miss any entries. Sign up here.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Spend less and earn more

Peter and Paul (not of the song) started a site to make money on the Internet. Both investigated the market took out his plan and began to work.

Both ended their site at the same time, put their options to earn money and began to implement his plan.

The two began to publish articles, getting links, using social networks, etc.

The only difference was that Peter decided to invest $ 100 in Adwords to bring traffic to your site.

After a while, they began to receive more traffic...

In this beautiful story with a happy ending, both receive traffic, but there is a great lesson.

At the time I've been in this earn money online, I've seen many people with what I can only call an obsession for failure to pay absolutely nothing.

It would seem that these people consider that a legitimate business on the Internet should be free.

Although you can do all free when you already have good callus, the legendary Peter will have a solid advantage over Paul: receives more traffic and everything happens faster.

Assuming that both are equal, Pedro will always have more visitors than Paul, and most likely will win more money.

Because you only you can save up to some extent and these savings can bring you more losses than gains.

Sometimes no matter spend less but make more. According to his own records, Google earned $9.03 billion in the quarter that ended on July 14, 2011.

Now, many would say that Google won lots of money, but will put aside these are advertising revenue and many other companies won more of those 9 billions of dollars in sales (pro rata, of course).

This means that they spent money but also won more advertising (with exceptions, clear).

No matter what business want you to start, only you can drive down costs to some extent. In fact, you can not download from "free".

However, the policy of "all free" can leave much more expensive than you think.

If you're not winning enough on the Internet, maybe you're people obsessed with not spend a single penny. Perhaps your business is free, but probably not you should have it as well.

It is good to not spending, but extremes rarely serve.

Many never go out of this point and are still writing me and asking why not gaining more money if they already have "long" in this course.

A business will come to a top profit unless you expandas and it means making investments. If you them will not do, there conform.

If you want to earn more, get ready to take some risks. You wanted a business, right?

Don't miss any entries, you can subscribe to the blog here.

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Facebook and its role "against" Google

If there is any site that may be happy to say that it has changed Internet, it is Facebook. Not only because it allows you to communicate with your friends or play the Farmville, but because it attracted an audience that previously did not much interest in the network.

Love House, elderly and dispensador that just went to read your mail, suddenly are glued to the computer for hours, and many of them just use Facebook.

It also has film, it can be said a baby ("feisbuc") and even has their own viruses, such as the button "I don't like" (must recognize creativity, right?).

Given that it already has more than 500 million users, and it continues to rise, Facebook can be a mine for anyone who wants to earn money on the Internet.

As it is the site that has had more traffic than the same Google, many say that Adwords is"dead" and now Facebook is good.

In some ways is esperarse… Mr. G actually became very sangrón your eagerness to delete garbage spam and sites, making it increasingly harder to power have a good position, even if you follow all the rules.

And yet, there are a lot of sites crappy in good locations, but you do...

In addition to this, Facebook has several tools that you can promote anything you want and earn money with this.

Google Adwords you have on search and content, but on Facebook you're market (Marketplace), you have ads Adwords pages of Fan groups and "Like Me", among other things.

With this and the large number of users that there have been many methods to earn money with Facebook as a single source of traffic.

So for those who are in the Internet marketing, Facebook may seem like a better option and is for this reason that some put him "at war" with Google, but don't have much to do.

So it is best Facebook? Here it would have to define "better", but it is something that you should definitely take into account your traffic strategy.

In several tests I've done, Facebook is the site faster traffic to any site and where you can announce faster and cheaper.

But (there's always a but, isn't it?), the Facebook audience responds less than Google's. However, if you're going to start something, the first step to obtain results faster is to buy a method to earn money with Facebook to take action.

Facebook may have many visitors, but the marketing you do on Facebook is interruption marketing.

The thing with this is to convey your message you have to interrupt the visitor what is doing, even when is something passive, as read. Although sometimes it does not matter, some do not see with good eyes that are atosigando them with trade.

This is the reason that Facebook does not have as good conversion such as Google, but even so it is faster to sales.

If you're going to start something on the Internet, you have to look at Facebook. In all cases, depends very much on the market, but a good method of Facebook tells you how to get contacts, how to use the marketplace and the ads, etc.

In the next post you'll see what roll brings Twitter and what part plays in this "guerrita" between Google and Facebook.

Remember to subscribe to the blog to not miss any entries. Sign up here.

Also check this method and uses Facebook to make money.

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I am the illusions Mata

Yesterday I went with some friends for a dominguera meeting. It was a joy to meet friends who had several years of not seeing (ando travel).

Well, that unless we come to the conversation that gives the name to this entry. When they learned what I spent, and more or less explained a bit making it a couple approached me.

He is a certified public accountant. Her teacher at school. Between jokes and memories passed to the wave of make money online. "I've been reading that you can make good money", he said, "not me it was very possible, but now that I know that you do this already I think most".

Of course. When someone you know is gaining on the Internet that gives more confidence, right?

At this point I want to say I started to make me a bit of wishful thinking. Both were professionals and is well who had worked hard to achieve what they had. Perhaps finally would have serious people who work and caminaríamos together the path of the Internet.

Because I was told that the two had several ideas and that they wanted to make a business on the Internet. "Could it be?", I pregunté…

But well, that lasted very little. He first told me that I knew I had to do a page but I needed some advice.

"And more or less of what you want or what?", asked.
"For something that doesn't come out as caro…", was his response.

Wow… that's what I call a business plan! Let me tell you that this is how you forge the imperios… I can already imagine Napoleon: "Gentlemen, conquistaremos the world... If you leave not very expensive.".

"That depends on the page, but I am referring to what it is you want to do," I had him.
"Because I don't know, something how do tú…", I replied.

Double Wow! When I told them what I spent I never said anything specific; only who won over the Internet. I was tempted to answer: "Sure, buy porn my wife pictures, so we are going to take some to yours", but I thought better.

"Because what you've read?", finished by asking.
"Because that can earn much money on the Internet", which followed by silence.

Triple!Wow! Or is that my two friends professionals wanted to do what many who come here every day: make lots of money on the Internet without knowing anything or worry about knowing it. Finally, came the best:

"Well look, they can begin with a blog, even free of charge, with their hobbies or tastes." "So that they are doing online presence and then we see write followed", I advised him.
"But that is too much work... There is so much free time", ended up telling me.

Wow x 4. Mr and Mrs "work hard" wanted money without working. But after this I can not say I was surprised.

"Because if they do not do this I see difficult well... they can start something to win over the Internet must do presence and learn many things.", he said.Enlace"Not so already I all the ganas…", ended up telling me.

When I went, one of the buddies told me, "Hey, you all you hope and Fulano…".

So it was. And so now I am the mata illusions. Because if you want to only sell anything, would that make it all: say everything is perfect, ensuring you the sky and the stars and forecast irrepressible happiness only to bring out your credit card.

But well, so is this blog... you slay some illusions but you also ahorraré some money and frustration. If you want to learn how to make money online, Subscribe to the feed and receive tips and real advice.

If you want to continue with rural dreams, there are many sites that will be happy to give you that.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gmail obtiene nuevo panel de vista previa

Google puede han anunciado el cierre inminente de Google Labs, pero Gmail Labs todavía está poniendo nuevas funciones opcionales para los usuarios de Gmail.

Google ha lanzado el "panel de vista previa" como una característica de Gmail Labs. Esto permite a los usuarios obtener una vista previa de mensajes en su bandeja de entrada utilizando un diseño similar al aspecto de Gmail en un dispositivo Tablet PC.

"Cuando reviso mi correo electrónico, a menudo dependen los fragmentos del mensaje para averiguar que mensajes para abrir en primer lugar," dice Gmail asociar Product Manager Maciek Nowakowski. "A veces, sin embargo, quiero ver más de fragmentos, por eso me complace anunciar que ahora puede previsualizar los mensajes en la bandeja de entrada utilizando una nueva funcionalidad en Gmail Labs llamado panel de vista previa."

Gmail Preview Pane

Como característica de Gmail Labs todos, hay que activar en configuración. Una vez que una vez hecho esto, aparecerá un botón de alternar en la esquina derecha de la lista de mensajes. Esto le permite cambiar entre las vistas de la vista previa y la lista. El botón tiene el siguiente aspecto:

Gmail Preview Pane toggle

"Para aquellos de ustedes que tengan más espacio vertical también puede mover el panel de vista previa por debajo de la lista de mensajes. Puede activar esta opción utilizando la flecha de lista desplegable junto al botón de alternar,"observa Nowakowski. "Por defecto hay un retraso de 3 segundos en marcar una conversación como lectura después de previsualizarlo. Si no se siente natural a usted, usted puede cambiar los tiempos en la ficha de configuración General."

Google también anunció la expansión de las llamadas telefónicas de Gmail a principios de esta semana. La semana pasada, mostraban una secuencia de comandos que permite golpear el botón snooze en mensajes de correo electrónico.

Sobre Chris Crum
Chris Crum ha sido parte del equipo WebProNews y la red de publicaciones B2B iEntry desde 2003. Siga WebProNews en Facebook o Twitter. Twitter: @ CCrum237

Ver todos los mensajes por Chris Crum ?

What is the trend in your work?

Yesterday a friend who had a time of not seeing was connected to the Messenger. I greeted him and said, in jest, "man, now you work not so much and say hello to friends". The response left me cold: "Fact… today is my last day of work".

Later, he was a very common and even boring history in recent years. The company had made a cut in personnel and touched the axe. It was not their fault, they said, but they unfortunately had to take the "painful decision" let him go.

When I told him that was long ago, he told me it was interesting and then "will teach you to earn on the Internet" but, like many others, left him "for later". In the end, it had a good job.

Sad of the matter is that this is a trend that will not download. Not only because the economic situation but because believe it or not, some people are worse than you.

That means that someone, somewhere, is willing to do it for less money. That is why everyone sends factories to China, the attention of customers to India and the maquila to Pakistan.

So, to be more "competitive", your company must cut staff, remove benefits and even lower wages.

If that her additions to the automation and networking they are more advanced, ever more jobs will go elsewhere. Have you noticed the accent of some of those who speak to offer credit cards or insurance?

This is because, although we are in Mexico (or your country), they are doing Telemarketing work from, say, Honduras. Any country that "copper less".

While more jobs go, more cheap things are needed and more industries are going to China.

But as well as the "traditional" works are escaping elsewhere, opportunities are also opened for who is looking for.

Learn how to make money online is not difficult; It is only a question of taking a time. That is why I make money online is the 9th wonder, after the same Internet.

I sincerely hope that the trend does not apply to you, but if you are reading this means that you are looking for and is only a matter of time that you find, if don't you "for later".

At least you answer surveys; It will not be much but you have to start somewhere.

You do not expect things to change, especially when you have the ability to change them. Anyway, happy weekend.

To receive advice and tips to earn on the Internet, you can subscribe to the blog here

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The summary from Google, Twitter and Facebook

In this series of articles you saw that there are people making noise that you can forget Google and just use Facebook and Twitter.

It also saw more than a competition between the three, is a competition for you about to use one or the other when wanting to make money on the Internet.

Without forgetting that the traffic from Google is better because you're not doing interruption marketing, as in the other two.

Well, and now? With this information, what is following?

Now follow your strategy to make money online, using one of these big 3 or, better still, use 3!

It begins by looking at your situation
Everyone has different circumstances, but if you're like most, you have a website or blog without many visits. If you are not using Facebook and Twitter, it's time to put hands to work.

A campaign with the three prepare to start having visits from social networks and get the coverage you have.

Not descartes, combines
I've never been in agreement with those who say that "forget" this and that. I prefer to use all the resources at my disposal to get visitors and sales.

For example, a method such as commissions facebook can give you to earn money without having to use Google, but what would happen if you implemented your strategies and also improve your position in Google?

Business should exploit every opportunity because, if you don't, someone will do, and that someone will eat your profits.

So in summary:

In several tests, Facebook is the most rapid (after PPC) to get some sales and visits.

Use some method as commissions Facebook, follows the strategies as if you were only using Facebook as a source of traffic, but as soon as you finish putting everything together, it continues with:

Twitter. It is the second choice in speed and ease of use. Implements a method such as the Twittermático (right now is "closed", but did not take to put it again). Sign up for free here).

Like with Facebook, implements strategies if it would be your only option and, last but not least:

Be sure to Google. It will take longer, it will cost more work but in conversion is the best option, whether you go for SEO or Adwords.

As you can see the ads that social networks replace Google are too exaggerated. Clear that social networks have changed things much, but Mr. G is still and will remain in effect.

You must not forget that if you want to reach your full potential.

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